How To Find A Good Maid Agency In Singapore

Posted on 01/ 02/ 2024

Hiring a live-in helper is a complicated process. Besides handling the various paperwork, you will also want to find a suitable helper who is the right fit for your household. Employment maid agencies can help take the burden off you. It is thus important to find a reliable domestic maid agency in Singapore as they play a vital role in the helper hiring process. Here are 5 things to look out for to select a good maid agency in Singapore.

1. Licensed Maid Agency With Proper Screening Processes

First and foremost, check that the domestic maid agency has an Employment Agency (EA) license by the Ministry of Manpower. It is an offence to operate a maid agency in Singapore without the license.

The employment of underage maids is still a common problem amongst maid agencies here. A foreign domestic helper should be minimally 23 years old to legally work in Singapore. If a helper is found to be underage, her work application will be cancelled and she will be repatriated.

Avoid the unnecessary trouble by selecting a Singapore domestic maid agency that conducts stringent screening processes and background checks on their domestic helpers before bringing them in to work in Singapore.

2. Quality Training Provided

Most maids are already trained at training centres in their source country.  A good domestic maid agency in Singapore, however, will provide extra training in Singapore to equip domestic helpers with relevant skills like child / elder / pet care and knowledge of Singapore’s culture and practices. Aside from that, maid cooking classes can also be arranged.

You generally spend less time coaching the maid yourself as they are more experienced and can already speak simple English and sometimes even dialect.

Femme5 is a strong advocate of rendering additional pre-training to provide the targeted needs that you require. All our maids are fully trained and equipped to handle basic housekeeping chores, child care, elder care, preparing meals and pet care.

3. Demerit Points, Placement Volume, Retention and Transfer Rate

Look for an agency with zero demerit pointshigh maid placement volumehigh maid retention rate and low maid transfer. The industry average in 2020 is as follows:

  • Placement Volume: 47
  • Retention Rate: 45%
  • Transfer Rate: 1.47%

Demerit Points

Demerit points refers to points awarded to maid agencies that violate any rules in the Employment Agencies Act. It is best to avoid these agencies when selecting a reliable maid agency in Singapore.

Placement Volume

Maid placement volume refers to the percentage of maid work passes that the agency applies for. A higher placement volume indicates that the maid agency is hiring a lot of maids for their many customers. These agencies tend to be larger and have more resources to assist you should you encounter a problem e.g. need a replacement helper or temporary housing for your helper.


A high retention rate shows that many domestic helpers are staying with the same employer for at least one year, which generally means both employer and employee are well-matched and satisfied. However, retention rate is affected by the placement volume. For example, an agency can have a 100% retention rate but only matched one maid to an employer, which is not an accurate representation at all. Also, retention rates might be affected by reasons beyond the maid’s control like the relocation of the maid’s employers, which causes the employment contract to be terminated.

Transfer Rate

A low transfer rate means a lower percentage of domestic helpers that have been transferred to more than two employers within a year.  While not every maid is suitable for every family, you should be wary of an agency with a high transfer rate as it shows that the agency is incapable of matching maids to their employers well or inept in training maids.

You can search for the placement volume, retention rate and transfer rate of maid agencies in Singapore here.

4. Maid Employment Paperwork

Another tip for a fuss-free process, select a maid agency that will settle all the paperwork for you. Beyond the initial hiring process – selecting helpers based on your needs then interviewing them – a good agency will assist you in conducting medical checkups, applying or renewing contracts, work permits and insurance coverage for your helper.

At Femme5, we are committed to providing a hassle-free process to employ a maid in Singapore. We think ahead and settle everything from start to the end.

5. Comprehensive Post-Sales Services

Lastly, post-sales services which vary from agency to agency. A good maid agency will provide you the support and resources needed, even after the helper is brought back to your home. Sometimes, employers might encounter personality differences after hiring the maid.

Some agencies provide advisory and counselling services to both the employer and helper to reconcile their differences. If that still does not work out, they will offer free re-matching services and find you a more suitable helper that caters to your needs.

Great domestic help begins with us at Femme5

There are thousands of maid agencies in Singapore. We hope this article helped you kick-start your helper hiring process. It is important to select a good agency that can cater to all your needs. Great domestic help begins with us at Femme5. Call 8855 5551 or email us at to find the right fit today.

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